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Work with the Best Bail Bonds Service in Salt Lake City, UT

Bail Bonds Salt Lake City UT-

When you or someone you know has been arrested and charged with a crime, the first thing you want to do is figure out the quickest way to get released from jail. For that to happen, you need to call the best bail bonding company Salt Lake City, UT has to offer.

Whether you were referred to us, found us online by searching bail bonds Salt Lake City, UT or bail bonds near me, we are glad you’re here, and our Salt Lake City Bail Bondsman are ready to help.

You can visit our local office, we are open 24 hours a day.

Why Work With Bob Block Bail Bonds in Salt Lake City

  • Around the clock 24 hour service
  • Work with the best agency in the area.
  • Our agents respond to your emergency quickly.
  • A bail bondsman should be professional, quick, and discreet- ours are.
  • Providing top service since 1959.
  • Affordable payment plans and pricing.
  • Ask us about cash-only bonds.

Where Do I Post a Bail Bonds in Salt Lake City UT / Salt Lake County?

Once you are arrested, you will most likely be taken to one of two locations.

The Salt Lake City Utah Police Department

Salt Lake City Police Department is serving to protect the community of Salt Lake City from any harm or danger. The department's motto is “Serving with integrity,” and the officers aim to live by this every single day that they put their uniform on.

The headquarters of the Salt Lake City Police Department are located in downtown Salt Lake City at 475 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114. The telephone number to the department's office is (801) 799-3000. For more information, please visit the Salt Lake City police department's website.

The Police Department was founded in the year 1851. During this time, the Mayor approved the police department to be established and forty men were hired with a starting pay of just 25 cents an hour.

The department is now divided into two different bureaus, and both are led by the Office of the Chief. The two bureaus are the Administrative Bureau and the Operations Bureau, and both are run by the Deputy Chief of Police.

The bureaus are also divided into seven different divisions. Three of the divisions are geographical, which are west (Pioneer Patrol), east (Liberty Patrol), and the airport. The other four divisions are the Special Operations, Investigations, Support, and Professional Standards. Every single one of these divisions are directed by a sworn officer that is a Captain, and each employee of the Police Department reports to one of these bureaus, divisions, or to the Office of the Chief.

The Salt Lake County Jail

There are two jail facilities in the Salt Lake City, Utah area.  These are the Metro and Oxbow Jails. The goals of these jail facilities are to protect its citizens by booking and holding individuals who are a threat and may cause danger to society. The facilities also serve to provide care to those that are incarcerated and provide programs to help them learn to avoid any possible future criminal activities once released. Their mission is “Serving the community from the inside out.”

The address to the Metro Jail facility is 3415 South 900 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119. The telephone number to the office is (385) 468-8400.

The address to the Oxbow Jail facility is 3148 South 1100 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119. The telephone number to the office is (385) 468-8400.

How Bail is Determined

It’s very common to have a “standard list” already set for some of the more common, less violent crimes that are committed. This is called a “bond schedule.” Most jails and detention centers have these amounts posted. If necessary, an intake officer will contact an on-duty judge who will set the amount so the defendant can post bail.

Types of Surety Bonds

• Cash- This can be paid by simply bringing a cashier’s check, cash, or money order to the the court or jail. In most cases, credit cards are not accepted.

• Property- This is when you use the equity in a piece of real estate. You will need to check with the appropriate agency to see if that’s an option and the formula they use to determine how much you qualify for.

• Recognizance- when approved by the court, a defendant who has been arrested can be released solely on a promise to appear at all future court hearings until the case is disposed.

• Surety- this is when someone engages the services of one of the bail bonding companies in Salt Lake City, UT.

Areas We Post Bond in Salt Lake County

Salt Lake City is the capital as well as the most populated city in Utah. The city was founded in the year 1847, and the population is currently approximately 200,544 people. It earned the name Salt Lake City because of its close proximity to the Great Salt Lake.

The city covers over 110 square miles and is elevated 4,327 feet above sea level. It is a beautiful city surrounded by mountains and water. The demographics of the city are 73 percent White, 21 percent Hispanic, 5 percent Asian, 2 percent Black or African American, 1 percent Pacific Islander, and 1 percent Native American.

Bob Block Bail Bonds does everything possible to provide the best customer service possible. Our bail bondsman agents are all licensed by the Utah Department of Insurance and are skilled professionals.

When it comes to crime in the city, there has been a small increase in crime around the downtown region, which is a tourism area. The violent crime is lower than the national rate, but the property crime rate is higher. The city also has a higher crime rate than other cities in the state of Utah.

Additionally, while comparing Salt Lake City to other similar sized metro areas across the United States, it has a lower violent crime rate. There are 257 violent crimes committed per 100,000 people, and there are 3,075 property crimes committed per 100,000 people, which is higher than average.

No matter where you are we have your needs covered!